Copyright 2024 - Ontocore - All Rights Reserved

If you are ready to take the next step creating more power in your life and having others experience you as a powerful leader and are willing to commit yourself to three days of intense, rigorous training, then this course is for you.  This is not a course open to the public and will not be mass-marketed.  It is by invitation and referral only.  Please read this course description and the registration form very carefully before registering.  There are no refunds and we are committed to having ONLY committed people in the course.  

Attendees are selected exclusively at the discretion of the Ontocore team. The standard event tuition is $6,500 per participant, $9750 for two sharing a room.

Take action - get benefits!
As you take action and register for the course before November 4th, we have a special benefit for you:

One Extra Resort Night: With each person’s course registration, Ontocore will purchase one extra night at the Ritz-Carlton Resort so you can either arrive early or stay longer (the rooms are $1100+resort fee+taxes per night).

Move quickly; this offer goes away on Monday, November 4th at 5pm PST or when we run out of availability for it, whichever comes first.

Create Powerful is not a feel-good seminar (it is not a seminar!) designed to make attendees happier about who they are today. It is not a psychotherapy workshop designed to uncover attendees’ worst fears and anxieties.  



Create Powerful is a rigorous course that will provide you, as a committed participant, an opportunity to see, understand and interact with the world in a new and powerful way. It’s about moving beyond linear and circumstantial definitions of power to truly come to a new understanding of just how powerful you are as a human being, and what this understanding will create for you as possibility. Create Powerful is a course that will give you, as a committed participant, an introduction and access to the high-demand work of Ontocore and what that work produces in a person's life and business. 

When you attend this course and participate from a committed place, we promise you will leave the course having:

Discovered how powerful leaders lead and how you can lead powerfully both personally and professionally in any and all situations. 

A new understanding of yourself as a leader in your life (self-leadership) and in your business. 

A new relationship with fear and how you can use this new relationship to reach incredible levels of performance in all areas of your life having freedom to be and freedom to act, a new way of being in the realm of fearlessness. 

A new understanding of selling and how it relates to relationships, what makes the most powerful sales person successful, and how you are a salesperson in your life, even if you don’t work in sales. 

Access to power in all of your relationships, even the really tough ones. And you will be someone others experience as a person that can be counted on and trusted by them.

Is The Course Right For You

What The Create Powerful Course Is Not

Brandon is cofounder and principal at Ontocore. He is a master creator, listener and results visionary coach accustomed to working in high stakes environments. Prior to building his highly successful individual coaching practice he founded and grew a multi-million dollar industrial services firm. 

For more than a decade, Brandon has empowered individuals to discover more powerful ways of being through his coaching firm, Create Powerful. 

He carries these methodologies to Ontocore. His passion for sales and enrollment communications, creating meaningful relationships and helping individuals get maximum personal results in all areas of their life is at the heart of his work. His clientele consists of some of the most accomplished entrepreneurs and executives in the world. 

Brandon Craig
Cofounder, Principal

Marc is a principal and senior performance coach at Ontocore. He is known for his extraordinary listening and language mastery that has his clients experience him as a committed and trusted ally. Marc's coaching has been focused around working with some of the most accomplished and successful salespeople and leaders and their teams.

Prior to founding his successful individual coaching practice, he joined and led a start-up sales training and coaching company and grew the business twenty-fold over a five-year period. Since exiting that business, Marc has been a self-employed coach, supporting his clients to achieve remarkable results that they never thought possible. Some of these results include: more than doubling top-line revenue; acquiring industry-best human resources; creating inspiring cultures that dramatically increase team member retention; teaching language and communication mastery; saving marriages.

A committed, life-long learner, Marc has worked with some of the world's most recognized and sought-after coaches, including Ontocore founder Brandon Craig. If there is an opportunity to upgrade himself, you'll find Marc engaged in it. Marc is married to his extraordinary wife Kristen of twelve years and spends his time playing often with his two daughters.

Course Instructors:

What The Create Powerful Course Is

What You Need To Know

Marc Manieri

"Powerful discovery, clarity, and real-life application.  It woke me up."

"I was more woken up to my power and what is getting in the way of it in the 2.5 days than my entire life."

"This work is invaluable."

"This course changed every life in the room.  And they will change many more.  I observed people change before my eyes.  This is a must for anyone interested in a more powerful life."

"This course changed my world.  I now have access to being awake and recognizing when I am not."


Read More Testimonials

Create Powerful

Create Powerful is an intense immersive, live course designed for individuals who are committed to personal and professional growth, becoming more powerful leaders of themselves and others and experiencing their relationships in a powerful way. 

Hosted by Ontocore, a leading global coaching firm. Learn more about Ontocore here:

Create Powerful is a Turning Point.

It is the moment where successful men and women come to terms with the perceived limits of their success and the psychological boundaries that hold them back. 

A course on self-leadership, living fearlessly and mattering to those in your life.


Create Powerful Course Highlights

If The Create Powerful Course Calls To You


Course Participant Testimonies

If you've read the details above and the Create Powerful Course calls to you, we invite you to move to action by clicking on the button below and registering for the course (seating is very limited). The course details are below.


Participant Testimonials

If you've read the details above and the Create Powerful Course calls to you, but you have additional questions as it pertains to you participating in the course, set up a discovery call by clicking below.

When: Checking in Tuesday, April 15th, 2025, and checking out Saturday, April 19th, 2025. 
Where: Ritz-Carlton in Laguna Niguel, Dana Point, CA

Short Video Testimonials

Turn your volume up and click on the pictures below.

Click Here to See More

What Leaders Have to Say About Their Experience Of Create Powerful by Ontocore

"As a leader, I am constantly looking for ways to learn and grow. On my own I was growing, but I recognized that I had an opportunity to grow faster. Through my work with Ontocore, I was able to create alignment with who I really wanted to be. I have 10x'd my personal and professional growth with Ontocore."

- Anita Gratham, Chief People Officer at Pluralsight

"If you're considering enrolling in the Ontocore course, I would say that I have never felt that I've got more out of an investment of time or money into creating a better version of me and creating a better relationship with those I care about both professionally and personally. I have no regrets about the investment. I have no regrets about the time away and I can see the benefits of the work in all aspects of my life."

Jeff Owens, Anesthesiologist, Dignity Health. 

This course is not “woo-woo.” It’s actually work! I’m more excited to go home and apply this stuff, because that’s when the real work happens. A lot of the “woo-woo” events, when the [seminar] is done, you’re like ‘Oh…I gotta go back to normal life.’ I’m not looking to create some fictitious life in some three-day period of time. I’m looking to do some work and move the needle in my life so when I get out of here, I come back with so much more power than I had than when I left!

-Will Merrifield, President at IFC Roofing

Participation requires uninterrupted attendance and engagement throughout the full three-day experience.  Once you have committed to being in the course and have successfully registered, there will be no refunds. 

The course will start promptly at 8am on Wednesday, April 16th, 2025.  It will continue through Friday, April 18th, at 8:30pm with each participant checking out of the hotel no sooner than Saturday, April 19th, 2025. 

You will want to organize yourself so that you can be present in the room during the entire course, including making proper travel arrangements to arrive on Tuesday, April 15th and leave no earlier than Saturday, April 19th, 2025.

Your course tuition includes your lodging for four nights as well as breakfast and lunch on the full days of the course and dinner on Friday evening, the last night of the course. The course will be held at The Ritz-Carlton—Laguna Niguel, a luxury hotel with breathtaking ocean views, in Dana Point, California. 

We have the intent of finishing each evening by 6:30pm, but because of the rigorous nature of this work and our commitment to you leaving the course having realized our promises above, you will want to leave your evenings open in the event that more time is needed in the course so you don’t have anything in the way of realizing these promises.  Also, note that there is a reception dinner on Friday evening from 6:30-9:30pm. The course officially ends at 8:30pm that night, but you may choose to stay until 9:30pm.

Each course participant will receive course preparation material before the in-person portion of the course. Upon registration, participants agree to fulfill on the course preparation material assignments (plan for 5-8 hours of preparation at a minimum).

The learning environment will be intimate and we limit the number of people participating in this course. We are committed to those attending and anyone who will be in the course will be there with other incredible human beings who are also committed to being in the course. There will be CEOs and executives of very successful organizations participating in the course. Because the nature of this course deals with performance, and relationships are a critical component of performance, we invite those with business partners, spouses or who are leading teams to bring your team, partner or spouse. If you don't, you will regret it (see testimonials below).  

The environment will be instructive and, at times, interactive. With this said you will not be asked to interact/participate in any way that doesn’t align for you or has you feel uncomfortable in an undesired way. 

This learning environment will not be a lecture. You will be getting access to, and having an experience with, Ontocore's learning modality which has been proven to create powerful leaders. You will be learning from yourself, the instructors and others in the course.

What will occur in the course, by those who are participating from a place of commitment, will be non-duplicatable and will provide you a new way to experience your life going forward that will be extraordinary for you and those that experience you.

Schedule a Discovery CallRegister Here